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Private Seller Advertising

Every day, hundreds of new ads are published on Pazar3. By advertising on Pazar3, you attract thousands of potential customers each week!
All incoming ads are carefully reviewed in order to maintain the high quality of the website. The revision is done in accordance with the Pazar3 Rules. Every ad remains published for 3 months. Price varies and depends on the category in which the ad belongs.

Paying for the Ad

To read more about how to make the payment, click here.

Renew and Edit

The renewed ad is displayed at the top of the list again and will be published for 3 months. The ad changes are included. The price for renewing your ad is 30 MKD + 18% VAT.


Display your ad in the Gallery where more people will be able to see it. The Gallery is displayed hundreds of thousands of times each day.


Removing the ad is quite easy and simple. Just click on ”Delete, edit or renew your ad” in the ad and follow the instructions. When you remove an ad, it takes several minutes for the ad to be deleted from the ad list.

Pictures and Videos

Ads containing numerous pictures or videos attract more visitors. Upload your videos from you camera or mobile phone quickly and easily.

Advertising for Companies

Companies can register ads on Pazar3, and they can also open an online store.

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